You Never Have Been So Close To Become World Champion


Mentioned just above the Rookie Stack and the APEXARENA will be the 2 Built-In World Championship. Each stage of tournaments bring a number of point, each time you reach one you will earn it and they will count toward the 3 month seasonal World Championship Leader-board. At the End of each Seasons we will know who is the APEXCHAMPION.

Everyone will be able to live the reality of Sports, and their Tournaments, enter The Brackets and reach The Final. Best overall Tournaments will have Different rhythms, Types and Categories;

    Built-in Tournaments

Casual, Build You Army, Rookie Stack, APEXARENA, There are 4 categories of tournaments to which you can participate, with different kind of format. Each format allow you to participate to a tournament which will respect your rhythm.:

    Rush: All the Matchs of the Tournaments are in a raw. So you Fight as much as you can until to or to be Eliminated.

    Daily: This time you will be able to participate to only 1 Tournaments per Days. You Know in advance at which time it’s Start. When the Fight is over You can take a break, the next one will be Next Day (And not Before). Perfect if you don’t have a lot of time everyday but still want to Enter Tournaments. And it respect the Same Rhythm than Most of Modern Sport.

    Daily Deal: A perfect mix between Rush and Daily, you are available 1 or 2 Hours per day ? So the Daily Deal fist perfectly to you. In this Tournament there is a Precise number of match who in a row. When you reached the Limit you will get the next match the following Day.

Everyone will find a tournaments which fist to him.

Parity, Tactic, And Skill

    Built-in 2 level of competition Ranked and Tournaments (18- AND 18+)

Mentioned previously the Rookie Stack will be reserved for Under 18- only and the APEXARENA for Above 18+ only, to guaranty the most fair competition.

You do Not have enough time for Tournaments ?

No Worries there are obviously the usual Quick Battles and the over well-known Ranked which always come with it. With The Most Fair Ever Your Rank,Your Skill” Rank’s ladder. This time Your Rank will be really based on Your Skill and nothing else. So whatever you win or lose you will Finally have the Rank that YOU Deserve. Furthermore, the Quick Battles also have his own 3 months Seasonal Leader Board. Which means that at the end of each season we will know who is The APEX TACTICIAN. This one without any schedule restriction. And in Addition of It You will have 4 Kinds of Quick Battles

    Me VS Me And which kind of Arena would not offer, to the community, the opportunity to fight Himself. No worries You can fight Yourself allowing you to get some Practice and toughen up your Plans. (Or whatever you want)

    Me Vs Friends As you certainly understood, You will obviously be able to enjoy nice Battle with your Friends only.

    Casual Over Wellknow, you come when you want and do what you want.

    Bet Extremely Important, in the “Bet” Quick Battles you will be able to Bet squads Of your Army (Those you earned) against a Squad of an opponent. The Winner of the Battle Get them Both.

    Ranked Described Before, Your Path to the Ranked Seasonal World Championship.

Duel (1 on 1) is not your speciality ?

Best Overall you will have a True diversity of battles with at least 4 Different Types. Allowing every Members of the Community, to finally enjoy Their own Tactic:

    Duel 1 on 1”

    Team-Up 2 on 2”, A true Team based TBT battle.

    Third Legion 1 on 1 on 1”

    Escape the Hill 1 on 1 on 1 on 1”

    Save the Trolley (Stretch Goal 20K€): It’s the first Variant where eliminate the opponent Army will not bring Victory and those which are not so good Tactician will have a Bigger Chance. Its the First of this Kind, which will be available if we reach the KickStarter 20K€ Milestone and a Second is already planned and will be revealed if we reach 25K€

Everything You want is Here and will know how to convince you.

Sneak And Strike

    The All Time most Fair Deployment Phase, with 2 stages AND 2 substages

Ambush, hidden and alternating Deployment, all 3 combined in the most Fair Deployment Phase ever Though. You will finally witness a Total Equity from the very start of the battle, with a True Skill Impact, Already from the deployment, Without This Legendary well-known “advantage first”.

Talked about it just before Ambush are real. You will have dedicate places, on the Flanks of the Enemies (And usually also Behind) where you can deploy squads in Ambush. It’s impossible for your Enemy to know which troops are there except If You attack him or if He send his own Squad. Allowing you to Surprise him and capitalize on your Tactician’s Skill.

    Realistic battles with Simultaneous Attack

As said before, during a real fight, no advantage is given to the attackers (or the defenders) so each time you attack a squads or be attacked, the fight is simultaneous allowing draw. So better plan correctly because a huge mistake could be fatal. You will no longer witness your whole army be defeated just because you started Second, ensuring a Perfect Fairness for each contender.

Furthermore you can finally say to your troops which angle to cover. Allowing your Them to do their Job properly and unleashing your Commander’s Skills.

Adapt and Win

    Battleground and Weather impact

Weathers (Stretch Goal 15K€) and Battlefield are 2 keys of the battles so there is no way to have a realistic 1 on 1 without them. No worries they are all both present and will both have a deep repercussion on your strategy, hidden in the field, blocked by swamp, awaiting in the forest, Taking advantage of hills, your squads will have to adapt if they want to win the fight.

And if we reach the KickStarter 15K € Stretch goal you will even be able to Enjoy Rain or Snow. Deepening the Tactic and giving you the opportunity to participate in a True Battle.

    Unique “ADAPT-AND-WALK“ battleground

Never saw before, for the First Time Ever, in a the Turn Based Tactic (TBT) kind, The zone have different size, Which make Each way Unique. Wherever you want to attack; The Battleground will have an Impact on your tactic. I can not tell you more check the picture to better understand what I mean. We will finally feel the impact of the battleground in a TBT.

All The Advantages Without The DrawBacks

    CCG Advantage Without Drawbacks

Want your all time Dream army ? Not sure what would fist best For you. Great Roman or kinda Carthaginians ? Civilized or Barbarians.

No worries you will be able to get the one that you want when you want it. From the Build Your Army Tournaments to the Dedicated Bet Quick Battles (and the usual Common/End of Seasons reward) you will have all the time and all the opportunity needed to have your Dream Army. Best of all you will be able to Bet those that you don’t like against the one that you want. Still that the winner only will get the Whole.

Depending the KickStarter Success up to 5 True Factions will await you all along your path: Romans, Greeks, Gallic, Carthaginians and Egyptians with their famous Legionaries, javelin, Triarii, Phalangist, Numbians archer, War chariot, skirmisher and way more (Around 10 Different Squads By Faction). The Troops will be ready for the Fight and awaiting your orders.

Still that in The APEXARENA You know what you will get and how you can get it.

Micro Transaction, in-game Currency, Season Pass Or Direct Purchase ? Voted By You (Join Discord And We will give you a Pass To Vote)

Community Powered

Everyone who join the KickStarter Campaign and pledge a minimum of 20€ will have access to the First Ever Alpha and Beta where your Feedbacks will be only Gathered Through Polls and we will respect the results.